Thursday, July 15, 2010

You Consume Me

Occasionally (yes because I can and very easily listen to a song over and over again and not get sick of it until a few months later), I will get tired of listening to my "Recently Played" list on my IPod. Today, I selected the listen at random button. During my commute to work, an old school song played which brought back lots of memories. These were memories of struggle, faith and persistence. The song was DC Talk's, "Consume Me." My favorite part of the song is the bridge, it goes as follows:

"I am in your hands,
Under your command,
Like a puppet on a string,
[Lord you know]
I am willing to,
Put my FAITH in you,
So before the world I sing"
[consume me]

I do feel like I am a puppet on a string most times. There are so many times I freak out and ask myself, "who was that? That was definitely not me who had the courage to do that, or say that? What just happened? Did that just happen to me? I don't deserve that." I feel God's hand on my life. Sometimes His hand is heavy and other times He is carrying me. He directs me and reveals Himself to me all the time. I constantly ask Him to show Himself to me and help me to see the things He wants me to see.

When God opened my eyes, I saw the world from a different perspective, my soul came alive, my eyes could see wrongs that were, in the past, invisible to me and my heart grew. The things God shows me aren't always the things I want to see. He helps me to understand them and gives me instructions on how to act on them. I ask God to use me everyday to do His will. A lot of times I feel blind as I walk and act upon His will, but He always leads.

Again, His will isn't always my will, but I choose to trust Him, to have faith in Him. I know He has a plan and that His plan is greater than anything I can come up with or that this world can produce. I also know I have to choose to put my faith in God everyday. As the songs says, "I am willing to, put my faith in you." It is a choice. God is so good that He doesn't demand we choose Him, he gives us the option. How amazing is that that? He has all the power in heaven and earth and he still gives us the "option" to choose. All of us have this option and everyday, we decide whether we want to to put our faith in God or in our own selves. It's not always easy to choose God because we (humans) love control. It's a daily struggle to trust God. We trust Him with our life, decisions, future, life walk, families safety, our safety, jobs... The list goes on and on.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for the opportunity to choose You everyday. Thank you for guiding me and talking to me throughout the day. Thank you for listening to my hearts desires and for always being there. I hear You and I feel You. I desire You every moment of the day. Again, Lord, I choose You. I know You know what is best for me and where I can best be used by You. Please continue to use me to do Your will. Thank you for the opportunity to trust You and serve You. Consume me.

Your servant,


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