Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunshine personified.

Happy birthday, Virginia!

To know Virginia is to love her.
She's like sunshine: all warmth and light.
Always good for a hug and a laugh,
she makes everything around her bright.

She's not afraid to pull a u-turn
when she's headed in the wrong direction.
Life with her is always an adventure--
sometimes inspiring fear, but mostly deep affection.

A generous hostess with tea at the ready,
this girl can rock a cocktail dress.
But she's just as comfortable on a bike or a mountain;
she's not afraid to make a mess.

An earnest seeker and a student of life,
her spirited debates keep my iron sharp.
Yet despite her depth, she treads through life lightly - 
her laughter rings like the sound of her harp.

Her friendship is a gentle medicine;
her smile a work of art.
Her soul is a thing of beauty;
her spirit an exclamation mark!

Wish we could get stuck in a summer rainstorm in Annapolis again this year, but I promise that we'll celebrate belatedly in Idaho instead. (Sarith is in. She says she "likes potatoes.") Happy birthday!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday my beautiful friend. God loves you so much. And so do we. I hope to see you soon. It has been way to long. I love you!

