Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Knee High by the 4th of July

Good news: the corn in Indiana is well past "knee high by the 4th of July." Looks like it's going to be a bumper crop this year!

As I was driving (recklessly fast, because it was a rental car) down the straight, flat country roads of my home state this past weekend, I couldn't get over how green and lush the fields looked. When I mentioned that to my dad, his first comment was, "Yeah, we've had a lot of rain this year."

It made me think of all the times when, as a small child, I would get scared by the thunderstorms rattling the oak trees outside. Every time lightning would rip through the dark sky, my mom would remind me that the storms brought nitrogen the farmers needed for their fields.

Be grateful for the sunny days, but don't forget the importance of the rain. God gives one as well as the other.

And now, a few songs on that theme:

Everything Sad is Coming Untrue (Part II)
Jason Gray

The winter can make us wonder
If spring was ever true
But every winter breaks upon
The Easter lily's bloom

Could it be everything sad is coming untrue?
Could you believe everything sad is coming untrue?

Broken hearts are being unbroken
Bitter words are being unspoken
The curse undone, the veil is parted
The garden gate will be left unguarded

Could it be everything sad is coming untrue?
Oh I believe everything sad is coming untrue
In the hands of the One
Who is making all things new

When the storm leaves there's a silence
That says you don't have to fear anymore
The trees look greener, the sky's an ocean
The world is washed and starting over 

Rain is a Good Thing
Luke Bryan

Rain makes corn, corn makes whiskey
Whiskey makes my baby feel a little frisky
Back roads are boggin' up, my buddies pile up in my truck
We hunt our honeys down, we take 'em into town
Start washin' all our worries down the drain
Rain is a good thing

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