Friday, July 16, 2010

Shake, Shake Senora

Around 5:00AM this morning an earthquake struck the DC metro area. Where was I? Asleep. Did I feel it? Nah, I was dreaming. I think I woke up at some point because I somehow overslept and was confused again, for the 2nd time this week. I can't stand it when I wake up confused.

This got me thinking. Is God trying to shake me about something and am I just sleeping right through it all? Am I not paying attention? I know He's got me all stirred up inside about something. Have I taken the time to stop, focus and listen? Am I spritually asleep?

It's so important that we take time to stop everything and listen for God's voice and watch for His cues. At this time, I feel uneasy about my life right now. I must not be listening and watching. Satan is very creative with his various distractions and tactics. We must make a mental note to know who it is that is trying really hard to distract us from paying attention to God's messages and directions.

This is a self check. Are you paying attention? What is God trying to tell you?

"Hear my voice when I call, O LORD; be merciful to me and answer me." Psalm 27:7

And just in light of this mornings tremor and just for fun...

"Shake, Shake Sarith! God's shaking me all the time! Pay Attention, Pay Attention, Pay Attention Sarith! God really wants my time."

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