Sunday, July 18, 2010

Comedic timing.

I think God is really funny sometimes.

On Friday, after a long work week, I was in a really heavy mood. I felt the full weight of life's circumstances, and I just couldn't shake it. As I turned the key to unlock the door to my apartment, I (embarrassingly) felt myself tearing up. I quickly prayed, "God, I need to feel that I am loved. I know You love me, but I just really need some proof right now. Help me understand."

When I stepped inside, there was a large package addressed to me. My siblings had sent me an ice cream maker with a note that read: "Happy birthday, Emily! Love, Luke, Liz & Matt." The trendy new kitchen appliance was a really thoughtful gift from people who know me very well, and it arrived a few days early. The note was a really thoughtful gift from a God who knows me even better, and it arrived just in time.

Factoring in the estimated shipping time, God answered my prayer days before I ever asked it. The gift would have made it to my doorstep regardless. But I wouldn't have understood the beauty of the timing of the sentiment had I not specifically asked for it just moments before.

Anyway, I'm a slow learner, so the lessons continued late into the night. My mind was spinning and I couldn't sleep, so around midnight I wandered into the kitchen to have some leftover angel food cake. I pulled out a plate but got distracted by the fortune cookies we'd left sitting on the counter from our Chinese take-out. Curious, I cracked one open and read: "Discontentment is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation." I thought it was rather odd that the fortune cookie happened to pick up on my mood, but I shrugged it off as vague superstition.

I served myself a slice of angel food cake, but before I picked up my fork, I cracked open the second cookie and read the weirdest fortune I've ever seen. I kid you not, it said, "There is some delicious cake waiting for you."

In case you're wondering, the Lotto Six  #s were: 19 38 46 25 38 92. Knock yourself out.

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