Sunday, August 8, 2010

Ok, let's try this again:

***Apparently, my initial post was a bit too cryptic and required access to the deep inner workings of my mind (or at least my iPod). It's a really simple request, but I guess I'm one of those people who has a hard time asking for the things she wants directly. Here are some hints:***

Dear readers [1],

I need your help. August is already slipping through my fingers, and I can't help but feel as though something is missing [2] from my normal summer routine.

I'm not talking about a summer fling [3]; I don't need a man to bring me flours [4]. I just need a little bit of help turning off the mathematical side of my mind [5] and refocusing my creative lenses (turning my inner camera on [6], if you will).

If you know what I mean, 1) please send me your suggestions or post them in the comments below, and 2) I think I might love you.

I'm in a pretty adventurous mood, so I'm willing to check out [7] whatever you suggest (once I pay my overdue library fees) - - just please [don't] [say] [this] [8].

Many thanks,


[1] people who read, broadly
[2] something is missing . . . from the picture . . .
[3] So that thing that's missing? Sometimes people use that word as a verb. That's not what I'm doing.
[4] Aside from being one of my favorite cinematic moments, the title of the film from which I stole this clip is important.
[5] So that thing that's missing? It's the name of a band. And this is a reference to one of their songs. Happily, this song is featured on the soundtrack of the film I referenced earlier.
[6] Also a song by that band, also on the movie soundtrack. THE TITLE OF THE ALBUM ON WHICH BOTH OF THESE TRACKS ARE FEATURED IS THE ANSWER TO THIS RIDDLE.
[7] I was just trying to be cute here.
[8] 1st link - you click here because you want to access recipes to cook and eventually _ _ _. 2nd link - you go here if you want to _ _ _ _. 3rd link - though I would strongly encourage you (based on personal experience) not to waste your time here, you can access this website if you want to find _ _ _ _. Combine these words, and it becomes the only wrong answer to this riddle (because I'm halfway through it and I want something new).


  1. Am I supposed to answer here?? I know the movie. I know the utensil that is needed, which is the band you mention What else? I know! I know!!!!

  2. Lol. Do you know the album title? If so, do what it says!

  3. Gimme Fiction? Do I win? I have a book you can borrow! I'm probably totally off. lol.

  4. Sheesh Batman, you're pretty amazing. Have you had any success yet? I really have no idea what kind of fiction you like. Here's the last 3 great fiction books I read, though I wouldn't be surprised if you've already downed all three:

    1. Till We Have Faces
    2. The End of the Affair
    3. Brideshead Revisited

    Which all happen to be by British authors...hmmm.

    The next one I intend to attempt is Camus' The Plague, which Peter Kreeft highly recommends.

    Hope this helps!

  5. Brett! Ironically, I JUST bought Till We Have Faces and started reading it tonight on the Metro. Thanks for the rest of the suggestions, too!
