Thursday, August 5, 2010


Dear readers,

I need your help. August is already slipping through my fingers, and I can't help but feel as though something is missing from my normal summer routine.

I'm not talking about a summer fling; I don't need a man to bring me flours. I just need a little bit of help turning off the mathematical side of my mind and refocusing my creative lenses (turning my inner camera on, if you will).

If you know what I mean, 1) please send me your suggestions or post them in the comments below, and 2) I think I might love you.

I'm in a pretty adventurous mood, so I'm willing to check out whatever you suggest (once I pay my overdue library fees) - - just please [don't] [say] [this].

Many thanks,


1 comment:

  1. I feel like Whinnie the Pooh: I'm tapping my head and saying, "think...think...think....oh bother!"
