Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Morning

Most mornings are pretty routine. I wake up, take a shower, drink coffee (oh lovely coffee) , put a piece of toast in the toaster oven (hopefully I don't forget it) , apply my makeup, tame my hair and try very hard to look like a well put together DC professional. Oddly enough, this morning was a tad bit different. At around 6:30am, I woke up to a crazy and overly dramatic thunderstorm. Normally, I wouldn't be intimidated by such a storm, but lately, we have seen some crazy weather in the DC metro area. At about 7:40am, when it was outright black outside and when the street lights had come back on, my roommate helped me realize that I could possibly escape the downpour by leaving for the train station (which is approximately 3/4 mile away from our house) at that moment. Well, I wasn't in the mood for taking on that risk, I mean there was, what I call, Texas lighting outside. You know, the kind of lighting that flashes, deep down inside you feel the power from the energy in the sky and then, BANG. I couldn't leave. I was paralyzed by caution. Maybe if I had started my day off with some great motivation I could have made it.

Which...brings me to this video Emily shared with me the other day. What if I had started my day like this? Granted, Emily might have thought I was exceptionally weird if I was yelling at the mirror, but had I woken up in a better mood, I might have made it to the train station just time to miss the torrential downpour. What if we all started our days like this kid? Wouldn't you feel great? Enjoy the video.


  1. Please find a way to incorporate this into your routine tomorrow. It certainly beats the "I Believe" Fridays from our 308 days . . .

  2. Only if you promise to act out the baby crying in the background.
