Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Update: The Break-Up Starbucks II

Well...I thought I would give you the update. I apologize this took a while to write. The story went like this...

The holidays came and The Break-Up Starbucks guy, who didn't pay for my coffee, returned from his mission trip and didn't call...he emailed. Oh my Lord! That is so lame. Okay...his emails were pretty sad. They incorporated dull questions, statements and updates. I didn't know what to do. I was questioning his motives... like, "dude, if you aren't going to step up to the plate, why pretend?" I didn't say that to him but was thinking it very loudly. I responded to the emails and after about the 5th email and 0 calls I responded with an email without any questions. The end of conversation.

For the record...this is a very sad attempt at talking to a girl. I mean, I seriously don't think he was trying to impress all. I don't get it. Why waist anyone's time? Men, we know when you are scared, not interested and not giving it your all. And, we are not impressed.

If you are not that interested, it's okay. I can handle it. We all get rejected. But, why work with a mediocre attempt? At least when I am not interested in a guy, I have the guts and respect for the person to at least be upfront about it and be honest with him.

Got to love dating? Since, then, I have purchased my own coffee, at it was really tasty, and gone out on another date with another guy who took me to a great dinner. Thank the Lord for men who know how to respectfully treat women. NEXT!'s another addition to the Break-Up Starbucks record of failing dates. I highly recommend not going to this Starbucks on a date unless you intend to break-up with that person.

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