Monday, January 3, 2011

On the Road Again

On December 29th my Mom and I started our 4 day journey from South Texas to Washington, DC. The purpose of this trip was to bring my recently purchased car to my current residence in Arlington, Virginia. We traveled over 28 hours, across 8 states and over 1,600 miles. Let me tell you...I'm a tad bit tired right now.

I enjoy driving. I would say it's pretty common for Texans to drive for many hours. It's somewhat ingrained in us...born in Texas? ---> you love driving long hours. My family and I are used to driving long distances. When I was little we used to travel to West Texas every summer because the Valley was so hot and it was difficult to keep anything alive. So we traveled to West Texas (13 hour Texas and only Texas) and learned how to entertain ourselves. After 7 hours on this journey, as a kid, you kind of stop asking, "Are we there yet?" You just shut up and might as well figure out what you can do in the meantime to keep yourself from going crazy.

On this trip, it was just me and my Mom. We took turns driving about every 3 to 4 hours. It's always good to take a break. On day one, we traveled from the Rio Grande Valley to Mobile, Alabama. Had to take a break after 14 hours of driving. On day two, we drove from Mobile, Alabama to Greenville, South Carolina. Good friends of mine and Emily's were getting married that day. It was a beautiful ceremony and I am once again reminded of how blessed I am with such great friends. Mom got to attend the wedding. She enjoyed meeting some more of my good friends. On day four, we drove from Greenville, South Carolina to Washington, DC.

Side Bar

If you have never driven to DC and/or plan on driving one day to our nation's capital please note that traffic on any Sunday or day before a holiday is almost always HORRIBLE. Don't do it. Or...leave really early or really late. If you are coming from the South, expect frustrating traffic anywhere before or after Richmond, Virginia all the way to Washington, DC. And if you are planning to continue driving all the way to New York City, just call it quits and have a nice dinner. Trust me.

Quote of the Day for January 2, 2010: "Yeah...Just left Richmond. I hate 95." - Nathan Bowen

End of Side Bar

Thanks Mom for driving with me all the way to DC! You are a real trooper. Thanks to her, I now have my car in DC! And I can go to the grocery store and get what I need whenever I want! And I can drive to the gym that is almost a mile away when it is freezing cold outside! And...I can drive to the dry cleaners to drop of my work clothes. And...I can go to non-metro accessible weddings! Oh...the list goes on and on. I'm so excited and thankful for God's grace, blessings and mercy.

And just because God is so good!

"And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. " 1 Peter 5:10


And...I'm really tired right now, caffeine is not working and I can't wait to go to bed. Driving does make you tired. No road trips for me in the near future.

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