Monday, January 24, 2011

A prayer for a friend who needs one.

We've all, at one time or another, needed such a prayer. - 1 Corinthians 12:26
Maker of all that is, seen and unseen: You hold all of history in Your hands and yet still have room to hold me.
My prayer tonight is for a friend who needs one. 
You are a God who sets the lonely into families. I praise You for this sister and for the playful ways that her persistent friendship has cracked and pried open my reluctant heart. I praise You for the countless conversations that have challenged and shaped my thinking; for the easy, comfortable laughter that once bubbled up like a wellspring of joy before this dry, searching soul; and for her determination and stubbornness that pushed my weary legs miles beyond where I would have stopped and on to new, beautiful sites I would not have explored alone. I praise You for this complicated, adventurous, kindred spirit.
I love her as fiercely as I can.
But tonight my friend is stumbling down a path that I cannot walk with her. I pray that You will run before her and make her paths straight. Guide her steps back to green pastures and beside still waters. Mercifully give rest to a soul that needs it.
I pray for silence, for sleep, and for space to heal.
Into that silence, whisper the words of truth that we cannot. Remind her of her faith. And as she sleeps, teach her troubled mind to dream again. Restore her ability to hope. And with that space, bind and set her broken heart. Reveal to her the greatness of Love.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear this prayer.

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