Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pie, anyone?

The Beltway got between 2 and 4 inches of "thundersnow" this evening. Of course, that caused the federal government to shut down 2 hours early and forced the entire region into such hazardous gridlock that friends of mine spent over 6 hours commuting less than 10 miles.

To all of the men who spent any amount of time tonight using a snow shovel (particularly those men whose sidewalks happen to stretch along my 3/4 mi. walk to the Metro, and especially those men who also happened to use a moderate but sufficient amount of salt), my most sincere thanks.

And to anyone who happens to live within walking distance of my apartment or who has snow-appropriate tires, please come help me finish the desserts that I was supposed to bring to small group tonight. My lactose intolerant roommate will thank you. (Actually . . . she might give you the evil eye, because she likes this peanut butter pie so much she had two slices. But, eventually, she will thank you.)

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