Monday, December 13, 2010

More Sleep Please.

Today, I'm exhausted. I woke up extra early today for a doctors appointment and now I'm exhausted. I didn't even have coffee until 9:30am. Good thing I didn't try to make coffee this morning because apparently we ran out this weekend. Disaster.

Lately, I've been dreaming about work. This is probably very unhealthy. I do this from time to time and most recently, on Sunday and Wednesday evenings. My dream consisted of my endless list of work assignments. I was dreaming about how I was going to get everything done today. I dreamed up a very nice to do list. This list was organized and well thought out. I was very excited about my to do wasn't messy, it was color coded and typed. Then, my alarm went off around 6:00am. I woke up and realized about 30 seconds into my waking up process, that my list didn't exist. Disappointment at 6am. So..I got ready for the day and tried to forget about the list.

Have I tried to recreate it? No. I gave up because now I'm exhausted.

I've been doing this for a while, dreaming about my work and strategizing how I'm going to accomplish everything. When I was working on Capitol Hill, at one point I handled the housing meltdown. I saw the entire issue crash right before my eyes. It was during those nights I would dream about being behind in my mortgage payments and facing possible foreclosure. Oh wait. That's right. I don't have a mortgage. Why am I freaking out about this in my sleep?

As always, I guess my subconscious is trying to maintain control of my life events and I've got to let God handle. It's even a battle in my sleep.

Well, I hope you got some good sleep today. Guess who's going to bed at around 9:30pm? I can't wait.


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