Thursday, September 30, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away, or Stay? I Don't Know.

Somehow I missed that a tropical storm was heading our way. This morning during my commute to work, it rained like it was going out of style. The downpour was heavy and escaping it's baptism was inevitable. I. Was. Soaked.

I don't really like starting off the day with my feet wet, my hair frizzed to the point where it has developed an unfavorable personality of its own, my pants sticking to my body and then I'm officially chilled to the bone.

When it rains like this and it interferes with my plans, I sometimes feel as if God is saying to all of us, "haha and you thought you had plans! Why don't you stop and take a break?" Sometimes I need that break.

However, I love sleeping to the sound of rain. Rain gives me the perfect excuse to stay indoors, take a nap, watch a good movie and drink some hot tea. I think if it didn't mess up my hair and get me wet, rain and I would have a better relationship.

I'm not sure these fixes are going to happen so I'm going to just count on rain and I having a conditional type of relationship. Even with my rain boots, rain coat, rain hat and umbrella, ella, ella, ella...I still manage to get soaked.

Oh, well. Let it rain. At least it isn't snow right?

Thank you Lord for promising not to send another flood. And thank you for the rainbows when I get to see them. They always remind me of Your goodness, mercy and grace.

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