Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Break-Up Starbucks

At Pentagon Row, next to the Lebanese Taverna (one of my favorite places to eat at) and near Bally's gym, there is a Starbucks. It's not very special or too different from most Starbucks. It has the pastry counter, the detailed coffee menu and a reasonable seating area. Nothing special.

This Starbucks has served as the location for many of my ridiculously bad break-ups. Yes, it was there that I had a few DTRs (determine the relationship) conversations that really went bad...really fast. And the thing is, they all happened at different areas of the coffee shop. Break-ups include:

The Blonde: We stopped by this Starbucks after church. Yes, the genius thought it would be a great idea to break-up after church. What I thought was a nice little coffee break turned out to be a confusing and heartless experience. After I suggested we break-up the week before, this guy suggested we "take-a-break" from our relationship at this Starbucks. I said, "we need to just break it off." Awesome. The End.

The Architect: We met here for some random reason. I guess it was a coffee date? P.S. I'm not all into coffee dates. Emily and I have concluded that they tell us, "I'm not sure you are worth dinner just yet" and "I'm not that into you just yet." So, this guy and I hung out for a while. It didn't go very far. The End.

The E-Harmony Failure: This guy came to visit me from Las Vegas. Yes, digest that...Las Vegas. After getting to know him and spending time with him over the Memorial Day weekend, we walked over to this Starbucks the Monday he was scheduled to return to Vegas. Our conversation went something like this...he thinks I'm reserved, not really sure about me, if he lived in town he would want to continue seeing me and he doesn't know where he is going to be 6 months from now (that's like today). Um...then why did you message me in the first place? Weirdo. The End.

So...the reason I highlight the Starbucks. On Wednesday evening I have another date at this Starbucks. This is another Harmonizing date. I actually met this guy by accident at a party a few weeks ago. God has a very large sense of humor. I was very sassy that night and kind of sassed him and yeah, he still wants to meet for coffee. Well since I don't have a car, he asked me if it would be convenient for us to meet close to where I live. And...this points me to the Break-Up Starbucks. Yes, we are meeting there. I guess if it survives the Starbucks test it's a good sign?

I'll keep you posted.


  1. Once, I hung out at that Starbucks when you were having a DTR in our apartment. So you can count that one, too!

  2. Thanks roommie! You are the best!

    I think that was the Democrat. Pretty sure it was the Democrat. Nope, can't date a Democrat. The End.
